Compare emSigner with other eSignature Products

Evaluate emSigner's cost-effective advantage in comparison to competing Electronic Signature solutions.

FeatureemSignerAdobe SignDocuSignPandadocZoho Sign
Electronic Signature TypesSES, AES and QESSES, AES and QES (Integrates with QTSP)SES, AES and QES (Integrates with QTSP)SES, AES and QES (Integrates with QTSP)SES, AES and QES (Integrates with QTSP)
User InterfaceUser-friendly, Customizable, Modern DesignUser-friendlyUser-friendlyUser-friendlyUser-friendly
Send SMS Signing Link
Storage Connectors
Completion CertificateDetailed Completion Certificate
User Permission ControlGranular controlLimited controlLimited controlLimited controlLimited control
Language SupportMultilingual support with Regional LanguagesMultilingual supportMultilingual supportMultilingual supportMultilingual support
Bulk SigningYes (Bulk Sign & Send, Bulk Send & Sign)Yes (Bulk Send)Yes (Bulk Send)Yes (Bulk Send)Yes (Bulk Send)
Reminders and Notifications
WebformsYes (Public & Private forms with custom authentication)
Geofencing & GeotaggingOffers both Geofencing & GeotaggingOnly GeotaggingOnly GeotaggingOnly GeotaggingOnly Geotagging
Liveliness CaptureYes (Liveliness check & Selfie Captured in Completion Certificate)Yes
Trust Service ProviderPartnered with QTSPPartnered with QTSP
TimestampingYes (Supports Customizable timestamping settings for LTV)Yes (Supports LTV)Yes (Supports LTV)Yes (Supports LTV)Yes (Supports LTV)
Key Vault/HSM IntegrationsAzure Key Vault, AWS KMS (Can be integrated with any HSM)Azure Key Vault, AWS KMSAzure Key Vault, AWS KMSLimitedZoho Vault
Signer AttachmentsSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
Password SettingsYes (Configurable Password Policies & Settings)
Custom EmailYes (Customizable Email Templates with Branding)Yes (Email Subject & Content)Yes (Email Subject & Content)Yes (Limited)Yes (Customizable Email Templates with Branding)
Offline Bulk Signing
Custom SMTP
Roles & EntitlementsYes (Customizable access levels for each role)Yes (Predefined)Yes (Predefined)Yes (Predefined)
Cloud & On-Premise AvailabilityOffers bothOnly Cloud based serviceOnly Cloud based serviceOnly Cloud based serviceOnly Cloud based service
PricingemSignerAdobe SignDocuSignPandadocZoho Sign
Pricing ModelCompetitive pricing, tailored plansStandard pricing plansStandard pricing plansSubscription-basedSubscription-based
API Rate LimitsFlexible and generousLimitedLimitedLimitedLimited
Free VersionLimitedYes (Limited Features)Yes (Limited Features)
Basic Pricing for Business (General Plans)$10/user/month (billed annually)Not disclosed on website$25/user/month (billed annually)$35/user/month (billed annually)$10 /user/month (billed annually)
Help & SupportemSignerAdobe SignDocuSignPandadocZoho Sign
Multi-language Support
Priority Technical Support
Customer Support24/7 support via multiple channels24/7 support via multiple channels24/7 support via multiple channelsStandard support channelsStandard support channels
IntegrationsemSignerAdobe SignDocuSignPandadocZoho Sign
Integration with Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive
Integration with G Suite
Integration with Office 365
Mobile Apps